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I grew up loving life with my family in Florida experiencing God at a young age.  I led my first soul to God when I was a child in my bedroom at my birthday party,  after that I had to tell more people about Jesus.  When I was in middle school I lead a  bible study in the morning and I distinctly remember leading another friend to Christ and feeling the call of God on my life.  Between middle school and high school I decided I wanted to build electronics and started working towards an electronic engineering degree.  After graduating from high school and realizing that I had been trying to do things my way I completely surrendered to the call of God and my life has not been the same.  

I met my wonderful wife  while serving at Oceanway Assembly of God where I  grew through two years  in the Master's Commission program .  After Master's Commission Joni and I were married and we had our first little girl Hannah three years later.

I worked as student ministries pastor at Faith Temple A/G for  seven years leading youth into a deeper relationship with Christ and teaching them to share God's love with their friends, neighbors, family, and people around the world.  I have lead many missions trips both in the U.S. and overseas, frequent neighborhood outreaches, served at local schools, taught at conferences, directed recreation at camps, and I am the youth representative for my section in the A/G.  I preach the gospel with passion and use dynamic methods to help others see what God wants to do in their life , hear what he has to say to them, and feel his presence leading them to a deeper relationship. I am currently Serving as the youth & young adults pastor at LifeChurch Birmingham, continuing to pour my life into students helping them to achieve the call God has placed on their life.
I love spending time with my family and friends, and would love to become a part of your life, by serving you for special outreaches, conferences, graphic or video design, or any ministry opportunity that you need a speaker, consultant, or just and extra set of hands to serve.

My Story

Copyright 2012, No animals were harmed in the making

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